

The development of piezoelectric transformer-review and expectation

  • 摘要: 文章简要介绍了压电变压器的工作原理,给出了压电变压器几个重要工作特性的数学表达式,并对压电变压器的发展过程进行了简要的回顾。在此基础上,文章着重对压电变压器在研发过程中所涉及的五个方面的问题进行了详细的探讨与说明,作者讨论了压电变压器等效电路模型的改进措施及压电变压各个特性的研究状况,分析和对比了各种用于制作压电变压器的压电材料的优缺点及其性能的改进方法,探讨了各种振动模式作用于压电变压器的效果,总结了压电变压器的制作工艺及结构对其特性的影响效果,给出了压电变压器的具体应用的例子,并指出了压电变压器今后的发展方向及有待解决的问题。


    Abstract: In this paper,the basic operating principle of the piezoelectric transformer is introduced,the major formulas about the characters of the piezoelectric transformer are given,and the history of the piezoelectric transformer is reviewed.After this,the author discussed and explained five important problems about the research and development status of the piezoelectric transformers in detail.The improvement methods of the equivalent circuit and the research status of the piezoelectric transformer are discussed,the advantages and disadvantages of the piezoelectric materials used to fabricate the piezoelectric transformers are compared,the effects of several vibration modes used in piezoelectric transformer are explained,the fabricating crafts and the structure of the piezoelectric transformers are summed.At last,the problems that need to be solved and the developing directions in the future are showed.


