Double-frequency ultrasound distance measurement
摘要: 本文介绍了一种在空气中实时、高精度、大范围双频超声波测距的原理及方法。该方法利用双频超声波,并结合一些简单的信号处理方法,实现在10几米范围内高精度实时地探测目标距离。该方法可以广泛用于类似于智能机器人定位,建筑工程验收,物资管理等一些需要测距的地方。Abstract: A real-time,high precision,long distance measurement method by double-frequency ultrasound is presented in this article. Two difference ultrasound waves are used in this method. The higher frequency ultrasound is used to detect some near object and lower one for far object. With a CPU (89C2051),a simple and realizable distance measurement system also be given in this paper.