

Design of RapidIO switch and flash storage module based on VPX standard

  • 摘要: 针对某阵列信号处理系统中的互连总线和数据存储问题,提出了基于VPX标准的RapidIO交换和Flash存储模块的设计方案,并完成了该模块的软硬件设计。介绍了新一代高速串行总线RapidIO和VPX标准,根据VPX标准设计板卡,利用Tsi578交换机设计RapidIO网络实现多DSP系统的并行处理结构。研究了RapidIO的数据传输操作和TMS320C6455 DSP的SRIO启动方式,给出了软件设计流程。采用NAND Flash存储器完成了数据存储功能。最后列出了模块的性能指标,并在实际信号处理系统中测试了DSP间RapidIO的数据传输速率,高达600MB/s。通过测试验证了本设计的可行性、先进性和稳定性,可以作为数字系统中互连总线设计和数据存储设计的参考。


    Abstract: A design of RapidIO switch and Flash storage module is proposed aiming at the interconnect bus and data storage problem met in an array signal processing system.The hardware and software design of the module are real-ized.Firstly,the serial RapidIO bus and VPX standard are introduced.The module is designed according to VPX standard.Tsi578 switch is used in RapidIO network to realize the multi-DSP parallel processing system.RapidIO data transfer operation and RapidIO boot mode of the TMS320C6455 DSP are both studied.The software design flow is presented then.NAND Flash is used to realize data storage capability.Finally,the module performance is listed and the data trans-fer speed is tested in the actual signal processing system.The data transfer speed is up to 600MB/s.Experiments show that this design is advanced,realizable and stable,which can be used as a reference design of interconnect bus and data storage.


