High resolution algorithm based on direct data domain method
摘要: 目标高分辨算法的性能优劣直接影响声纳、雷达的目标感知能力。考虑基于空间平滑思想的直接数据域算法,在干扰方向产生稳定的零陷。虚拟出期望信号并加入到接收数据中,将实际目标当作干扰,通过直接数据域自适应的方法在实际目标方向产生零陷:在波束图的左半部分适当位置虚拟一个期望信号,得到0°~90°的零陷分布图,在右半部分适当位置虚拟一个期望信号,得到90°~0°的零陷分布图,将这两部分零陷图组合后,取倒数得到实际功率谱图。该方法可以在单快拍、未知目标信号先验信息的情况下得到稳定、高分辨力的目标方位估计,并能够处理相干信号。仿真分析验证了算法的正确性和良好性能。Abstract: The performance of high resolution algorithms influences the ability of detecting targets for sonar and radar.In this paper,the direct data domain approach with spatial smoothing is studied,which generates nulls in the interference directions.The proposed approach regards real targets as the interferences via adding virtual desired signals to the received data to produce nulls in the real target directions,i.e.use a virtual desired signal in certain direction on the left-side of a beampattern to get a distribution of nulls in the direction of 0°~90°,use a virtual desired signal in certain direction on the right-side of a beampattern to get the distribution of nulls in the direction of-90°~0°.Combining these two charts can get the final output power spectrum under the condition of one snapshot data without knowing sources a priori.The proposed approach can not only get stable high target resolution,but also dispose coherent signals.Numerical simulations verify the validity and capability of the proposed approach.