Research on the anti-disturbance method in underwater message communication
摘要: 针对水声通信中的衰减信道和多途效应对报文通信的影响,利用混沌编码方式以获取处理增益,并利用拷贝相关器对信道进行估值的基础上,提出了用相干重置的方法对多途效应加以利用,以降低误码率。仿真结果表明,相干重置的方法相对于直接相关解码方法具有更低的误码率。由此可见,以上的方法对减少多途干扰的影响是有明显的效果的。水声通信一般都采取抑制多途的方法,以减少对接收信号的干扰,从另一角度出发,创新性地提出了利用多途干扰的方法,并通过仿真证明其有效性,这对降低水下报文通信的误码率是有重要意义的。Abstract: Taking into account the effect of the fading channel and multipath disturbance for underwater message communication,we use the chaotic coding method to get the processing gain and apply the correlative signal reconstruction method to utilizing the multipath effect for purpose of reducing code error rate based on the channel estimation using the multi-copy correlation theory.The experimental results show that signal reconstruction method have lower code error rate then signal correlation method.Therefore,chaotic coding mode and signal reconstruction have obvious effect on reducing the multipath disturbance.Generally,some methods of eliminating multipath disturbance are used to reduce the disturbance in underwater communication,but in this paper we creatively utilize the multipath disturbance signal to get the processing gain.The experimental results show that the signal reconstruction method has great significance for underwater message communication.