

Experiment system design for ultrasound stimulated vibro-acoustography

  • 摘要: 根据超声激发振动声成像的基本原理,设计并构建一个能获得振动声图像的实验系统。该系统由高频信号部分、超声发射及传播部分、低频信号处理和计算机处理与控制等四部分构成。实验表明,该系统能获得生物仿体或软组织内刚性物体的振动声图像,为进行生物组织的振动声成像研究提供了基础;通过采用更高灵敏度的低频水听器和改善共焦换能器的分辨力,可进一步提高成像质量。


    Abstract: According to the basic principle of ultrasound stimulated vibro-acoustography,an experiment system of vibro-acoustogram has been designed and constructed.The system consists of four parts: high-frequency signal generator,ultrasound emitting and transmitting part,low-frequency signal processing part and computer processing & controlling part.The experimental result indicates that the vibro-acoustogram of rigid body inside the soft tissue or tissue phantom can be obtained by the system.So the system will give some help to the study of vibro-acoustography in tissue.Furthermore,the imaging quality of the system may be improved by using the hydrophone with higher sensitivity and the confocal transducer with better resolution.


