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    文洪涛, 杨燕明

    文洪涛, 杨燕明. 模拟近海混浊水声吸收的实验测量方法[J]. 声学技术, 2011, (1): 62-67.
    引用本文: 文洪涛, 杨燕明. 模拟近海混浊水声吸收的实验测量方法[J]. 声学技术, 2011, (1): 62-67.
    WEN Hong-tao, YANG Yan-ming. An experimental method of sound absorption of simulated coastal turbid water[J]. Technical Acoustics, 2011, (1): 62-67.
    Citation: WEN Hong-tao, YANG Yan-ming. An experimental method of sound absorption of simulated coastal turbid water[J]. Technical Acoustics, 2011, (1): 62-67.


    基金项目: 国家海洋局第三海洋研究所基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(海三科2010018,海三科2008018)

    An experimental method of sound absorption of simulated coastal turbid water

    • 摘要: 混浊海水的声吸收研究对改善在近海环境下工作的声纳性能具有重要意义。基于混响法建立了一套测量近海混浊水声吸收的实验测量系统。理论分析表明,实验测量系统满足混响法测声吸收的实验要求。采用厦门海滩泥沙与海水混合配制模拟近海混浊水,测量了模拟近海混浊水在50~100kHz的声吸收,实验测量结果符合近海混浊水的声吸收规律,与理论估算值相比具有较好的一致性。实验测量结果为近海混浊水声吸收理论估算模型的应用提供了依据。
      Abstract: The study of sound absorption of turbid seawater has great significance for improving the performance of sonar working in coastal environment.Based on reverberation method,an experimental system for sound absorption of coastal turbid water has been designed.Theoretical analysis shows that the experimental system meet the requirements of sound absorption measurement using reverberation method.Xiamen beach sediment and seawater are mixed to simulate the coastal turbid water,and the sound absorption of the simulated coastal turbid water has been measured in the frequency range of 50-100 kHz.Experimental results accord with the sound absorption law of coastal turbid water,and have better consistency with the prediction results.Experimental results are the basis for the application of sound absorption prediction model of coastal turbid water.
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    • 收稿日期:  2010-01-05
    • 修回日期:  2010-04-14
    • 刊出日期:  2011-02-27


