Parametric array and its application in underwater acoustic engineering: an overview
摘要: 参量阵技术因其可以在小的基阵尺寸下获得低频窄波束,且波束无旁瓣,并容易获得较大的信号带宽,从上个世纪60年代起获得了广泛的关注和深入的研究,并且在水声工程和超声成像领域获得了比较广泛的应用。文章介绍了参量阵产生次级声场的基本原理、参量阵声场的特点以及相关的物理和数学模型,回顾了参量阵技术在水声工程中的主要应用历史,特别指出了其最成功的应用是高分辨率海底底层剖面仪,因为这个应用最大限度地回避了参量阵技术面临的两个主要问题:转换效率低因而差频声源级不高,以及实现多波束困难因而探测效率较低,并从物理和工程角度深入探讨了这两个问题,提出了进一步研究的重点和对未来应用的展望。Abstract: Since 1960’s,parametric array has been widely researched and applied to underwater acoustic engineering and ultrasonic imaging on account of its three technical advantages: achieving narrow sound beam-width at low frequencies with small aperture,no side-lobe for the sound beam,and easy to generate broad band signals.Parametric array is introduced on its generation,characteristics of acoustic field and related mathematical and physical models.The application of parametric array technology in underwater acoustic engineering is reviewed.High resolution sub-bottom profiler,which is the most successful application of this technology in underwater acoustic engineering by avoiding its two major shortcomings(the low conversion efficiency and low detection efficiency),is analyzed in physical scenario as well as in engineering scenario especially.The emphases of the future research on parametric array technology are suggested and the prospect of more widely using this technology in underwater acoustic engineering is discussed.