

Application of gray relation analysis to acoustics evaluation of the oriental philharmonic hall

  • 摘要: 用东方音乐厅客观音质参数的测试结果和访谈得到的主观评价结果对东方音乐厅与世界上14个大型音乐厅的音质效果进行了分析,虽然东方音乐厅的音质效果令人满意,但其音质究竟能够达到怎样的满意度却缺乏可参照的目标。按照音质相近等级相同的原则可以判定东方音乐厅的音质效果与柏林交响乐厅最为接近,文章应用灰色系统关联度分析方法推断东方音乐厅的音质效果达到了优异级。


    Abstract: Objective measurements and subjective evaluation results of Oriental Philharmonic Hall and 14 large world-famous Concert Halls are compared.Though the acoustic quality of Oriental Philharmonic Hall is satisfied,there is no clear conclusion about the acoustic satisfaction level for the Hall.In accordance with the principle that the Hall with similar acoustic qualities should have the same rank,it can be deter-mined that the acoustic quality of Oriental Philharmonic Hall is most similar to that of Berlin Symphony Hall.Therefore,with gray system relation analysis method it can be concluded that the acoustic quality of Oriental Philharmonic Hall is outstanding.


