

Discussion about the noise rating number

  • 摘要: 文章分析了ISO标准中使用噪声评价曲线评价噪声的方法,使用Visual Basic编程实现了NR数的计算,并对其a、b值在31.5Hz进行扩充,得到a为55.4,b为0.681。分析了两种计算噪声评价数的方法,在要求的精度范围内,先计算各频段的NR值。然后找到最大值这种方法所用的时间最短。随着对精度要求的提高,使用倍频程已经不能满足要求,对1/3倍频程在31.5Hz到8000Hz进行了扩充,并使用数值分析方法模拟了噪声评价曲线的计算。


    Abstract: The evaluation methodology of Noise Rating Curve in ISO is analyzed.The calculation of Noi-se Rating Number(NR) is programmed utilizing Visual Basic and the constant a,together with b,is ex-panded to 31.5Hz(a=55.4,b=0.681).Two methods of calculation the NR are proposed.One of them is to seek the maximum of each NR which is calculated in each band separately,and this method takes shorter time to make evalustion.To meet the requirement of improving accuracy,the use of octave is no longer satisfied.So the constants a,together with b,for every 1/3 octave wihtin 31.5Hz and 8000Hz are expanded too.And the noise rating curver are simulated by numerical analysis method.


