

High-frequency ultrasound evaluation of carotid artery function changes in diabetic patients

  • 摘要: 为研究应用高频超声研究糖尿病患者颈动脉功能的改变,应用高频超声对65例2型糖尿病患者(分糖尿病无高血压组n=30和糖尿病合并高血压组n=35)以及40例健康人进行颈动脉的二维超声检测,记录颈动脉内中膜厚度(IMT);应用M-型超声记录颈总动脉前后壁在收缩期和舒张期的运动幅度变化,测量收缩期和舒张期的内径,计算僵硬度指数β、扩张性(distensibility)和顺应性(compliance),经心率和脉压矫正后的前壁加速度(ACi)、减速度(DCi)等参数。发现两组糖尿病患者IMT、僵硬度指数明显高于正常对照组(P<0.01,扩张性和顺应性降低(P<0.01,加速度和减速度降低(P<0.01,且糖尿病合并高血压组IMT和僵硬度指数明显高于糖尿病无高血压组,扩张性和顺应性及加速度和减速度明显低于糖尿病无高血压组。IMT与年龄、僵硬度指数、扩张性和顺应性及加速度和减速度间有相关性。高频超声对评价糖尿病患者颈动脉血管功能变化有重要的实用价值。


    Abstract: To explore the change of the carotid artery function in diabetic patients using high-frequency ultrasound,sixty-five diabetic patients and forty subjects as normal control group were examined with high-frequency ultrasound,the diabetic patients were divided into hypertensive group(35 cases) and normo-tensive group(30cases).Two-dimentional ultrasound was used to observe the intima-media thickness(IMT);M-mode ultrasound was used to record the movement extent change between systolic and diastolic period of the anterior and the posterior wall of common carotid artery;the diameters of systolic and diastolic period were also measured,and the stiffeness index,distensibility and compliance,acceleration and dec-eleration which were corrected with pluse pressure and heart rates(Aci and Dci) calculated.Compared with the control group,the diabetic groups have thicker IMT,higher stiffeness index,lower distensibility,compliance,Aci and Dci in each diabetic group(P<0.01).There was markedly higher IMT and stiffeness index and lower distensibility,compliance,Aci and Dci in hypertensive diabetic group than in normoten-sive diabetic group(P<0.01).IMT correlated with age,stiffeness index,distensibility,compliance,Aci and Dci.High-frequency ultrasound plays an important role in evaluating change of the carotid artery function in diabetic patients.


