

A study of pulse sound fields in solid of cylindrical cross section by dynamic photoelasticity

  • 摘要: 为了研究超声脉冲波在钢、铁、铝等金属棒内的传播规律,检验已有的声学理论,采用和金属声速接近的光学玻璃为样品,当超声垂直于样品侧壁入射时,利用研制的动态光弹成像系统研究了玻璃园棒内超声脉冲纵波、横波、瑞利波声场的传播特性。自动记录了0-99.9μs时间内各种超声波声场在玻璃园棒横截面上的传播图像(时间间隔0.1μs),由此来模拟超声脉冲波在金属棒横截面中的传播行为。


    Abstract: The optical glass,the sound velocity of which is close to those of metal materials,has been used to study the ultrasonic wave propagation in round metal rod,such as in steel,iron and aluminum,to verify the current acoustic theories.The propagation behaviors of the longitudinal,transverse and Ray-leigh waves of ultrasonic pulse in round glass rod are analyzed by the dynamic photoelasticity technique in the case where the angled of incidence on the side of the rod is 900.The propagation images of all ultrasonic waves in the cross-section of round glass rod are recorded from 0 to 99.9 μs at 0.1μs interval.The propagation behaviors of ultrasonic wave in opacity materials can be stimulated by the experimental means.


