

Study of the kinematics properties of skeletal muscle with multi-signals

  • 摘要: 超声可以清晰地观测骨骼肌空间形态变化,是研究骨骼肌运动形态特性非常有效的工具。定义超声扫描骨骼肌得到的有关骨骼肌结构的空间形态变化信息为"声肌图(sonomyography,SMG)"。文章通过一套自行开发的可以无干扰、同步、连续采集B超图像、力或力矩、角度、肌电信号等骨骼肌相关信号的超声运动与弹性测量系统,记录了手腕屈伸运动时前臂桡侧腕伸肌处的B超图像、表面肌电信号和手腕屈伸角度,讨论了多信号研究骨骼肌运动特性的可行性,结果表明了多信号研究骨骼肌特性的优越性。


    Abstract: Ultrasound can be used to monitor the dimensional architectural change of muscle clearly,and it is a useful tool to study skeletal muscle.We defined the dimensional architectural change of muscle con-tinuously extracted from ultrasound images as "sonomyography(SMG)".In this paper,we used the ultrasound measurement of motion and elasticity system,which could synchronously and continuously acq-uire different data including the ultrasound images,force or moment,angle,EMG signals,and so on without disturbance,to record the ultrasound images and surface EMG signals sampled from the extensor carpi radialis with the wrist angles during the cycle of wrist flexion-extension.The feasibility of studying the skeletal muscle in motion with multi-signals was discussed,and the results illuminate the advantage to study the properties of skeletal muscle with multi-signals.


