

Improved algorithms of ray tracings in stratified ocean

  • 摘要: 在用声线模型计算水声传播的过程中,海面和海底的存在使得声线的计算变得复杂。对于分层海洋介质,且海底是平面的情况,文中将海洋介质按照声速剖面对称的规律分别向上向下无限扩展,先在假设的扩展了的海洋环境中来计算声线轨迹,再将海深以外的声线按照某种规律换算到海深范围之内即可,在提高计算效率的同时还保证了结果的准确性。


    Abstract: Ray model is one of the conventional sound propagation models in the water,but the inter-active effect of ocean surface and bottom on ray model will make the computation very complicated.For stratified ocean with plane bottom,sea can be expanded upward and downward to keep the sound-speed profile symmetrical,and the virtual ray traces are computed under this ideal environment,then the virtual ray traces out of the sea depth are transformed into the true ray traces within the sea depth according to some rules.This method improves the computational efficiency with the same result as before.


