

Sound absorption of suspended particulate matter in seawater

  • 摘要: 通过对悬浮颗粒物粘滞性声吸收的分析,指出了在悬浮颗粒物海水声传播研究中所需要的悬浮颗粒物参数;经海水中声吸收计算分析,给出了能够对声传播产生影响的悬浮颗粒物参数的范围。为应用于声学研究的悬浮颗粒物海水海洋调查、数据积累及海区划分提供依据。


    Abstract: The viscous absorption of suspended particulate matter is analyzed,and the parameters of su-spended particulate matter needed in the study of sound propagation in seawater are clarified.Based on theoretical analysis of the viscous absorption of suspended particles,the ranges of the parameters of suspended particles affecting sound propagation in suspended particulate matter seawater are indicated.So the basis is provided for acoustical study to work on sea survey of suspended particulate matter,data accumu-lation and sea area delimitation.


