

Geoacoustic inversion from vector hydrophone array in shallow water

  • 摘要: 基于矢量水听器能够比传统的声压水听器提供更多的声场信息,文章提供了一种利用矢量水听器阵列(AVS)进行浅海地声参数反演的方法。首先,对声场矢量的传播规律进行了研究;其次,利用矢量匹配场(MFP)方法进行了海底声速的反演;最后利用声压和质点垂直振速的传播损失差反演了海底吸收。基于矢量水听器的海底参数反演方法主要具有下述优点:一是利用矢量匹配场反演海底声速能够有效减小参数估计误差;二是利用声场矢量传播损失差进行海底吸收反演能够排除信号源级起伏对反演的干扰。实验结果表明,基于矢量水听器阵列的海底参数反演能够很好的进行声场传播预报工作。


    Abstract: A geoacoustic inversion scheme,which is by virtue of a vector hydrophone array,has been proposed based on the fact that the vector hydrophone can provide more acoustic field information than the traditional pressure hydrophone.The transmission losses of particle velocities is discussed.The sediment sound speed is acquired by a matched-field processing(MFP) procedure,which is the combined optimization of the pressure field and vertical velocity field.And the bottom attenuation can be estimated from the difference between transmission loss of the the vertical velocity and that of the pressure.The inversion method based on vector hydrophone array mainly has two advantages:one is that the MFP method based on the vector field can decrease the uncertain estimation of the sediment sound speed;the-another is that the inverted sediment attenuation is independent of source level.The validity of the inverted parameters have been examined by-comparing-numerical results and experimental data.


