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    彭锋, 范瑜晛, 刘丹晓, 佟小朋, 尹铫, 刘克

    彭锋, 范瑜晛, 刘丹晓, 佟小朋, 尹铫, 刘克. 变截面闭管中非线性驻波场的实验研究[J]. 声学技术, 2008, (2): 156-162.
    引用本文: 彭锋, 范瑜晛, 刘丹晓, 佟小朋, 尹铫, 刘克. 变截面闭管中非线性驻波场的实验研究[J]. 声学技术, 2008, (2): 156-162.
    PENG Feng, FAN Yu-xian, LIU Dan-xiao, TONG Xiao-peng, YIN Yao, LIU Ke. Experimental research on nonlinear standing waves field in a closed tube with varying cross-section[J]. Technical Acoustics, 2008, (2): 156-162.
    Citation: PENG Feng, FAN Yu-xian, LIU Dan-xiao, TONG Xiao-peng, YIN Yao, LIU Ke. Experimental research on nonlinear standing waves field in a closed tube with varying cross-section[J]. Technical Acoustics, 2008, (2): 156-162.


    基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.10374099);国家自然科学基金(No.10574135)资助

    Experimental research on nonlinear standing waves field in a closed tube with varying cross-section

    • 摘要: 当变截面闭管(CTVCS)的固有一阶反共振频率设计在接近共振基频的倍频处,共振基频激励下的二次谐波将受到极大抑制,以致在闭管末端可获得高声压、低谐波畸变的波形。相比等截面闭管,CTVCS内的二次谐波特性较为复杂,且在研究范围内,谐波随基波声压级的增长未出现明显的饱和趋势。
      Abstract: For a closed tube with varying cross-sections(CTVCS),when the frequency of the first natural anti-resonance is designed to be near twice of that of the fundamental resonance,the second harmonic driven under the fundamental resonance frequency will be largely suppressed.Thus a high sound pressure waveform with low harmonic distortion at the end of the tube can be obtained.Compared with the closed tube of a constant cross-section,the properties of the second harmonic in CTVCS are rather complicated.This research shows the trend of the acoustic pressure level of harmonics growing with the fundamental component,but no discernible saturation.
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    • 文章访问数:  1198
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    • 收稿日期:  2007-04-29
    • 修回日期:  2007-07-11
    • 刊出日期:  2008-04-27


