

Design of ladder-type RF filters based on FBARs

  • 摘要: 从Mason等效电路模型出发,研究了基于薄膜体声波谐振器的梯形结构射频滤波器的设计。以往的研究中都没有考虑到介质的声损耗,这样得到的滤波器频响中就未计入插入损耗的影响。采用射频网络方法对薄膜体声波谐振器建模,并在模型中加入了介质声损耗的影响,然后就基于薄膜体声波谐振器的梯形射频滤波器的传输响应、带宽、插入损耗、阻带抑制以及带内波纹情况进行了分析和讨论。


    Abstract: Design of ladder-type RF filters based on the film bulk acoustic resonators(FBARs) is presented based upon Mason equivalent circuit model.Previous work did not take acoustic attenuation in the medium into account;therefore the effect of media loss on the obtained filter frequency response was neglected.Considering acoustic attenuation of the medium,the RF network method is used in filter modeling.Some key problems in filter design,such as transmission response,bandwidth,insertion loss,out-band rejection and passband ripples are investigated and analyzed.


