

Studies on the structure changes of fast-growing wood fiber treatted by ultrasonic wave

  • 摘要: 利用扫描电镜、X-射线衍射、傅利叶变换红外光谱等现代测试分析手段,探讨了超声波处理马尾松、尾叶按两种速生材木浆纤维过程中,形态结构、超微结构、超分子结构、对试剂可及度的变化.结果表明,超声处理后木浆纤维细胞壁出现裂纹、细胞壁发生位移和变形、有更多的次生壁中层(S2)暴露出来;处理后的木浆纤维仍保持原有的纤维素晶型和两相共存的微细结构,晶粒尺寸基本不变,结晶度变化与超声处理的条件有关;超声波处理后,纤维的保水值增大,可提高材料对试剂的可及度及纤维间的结合力.


    Abstract: Two kinds of fast-growing wood fibers, bleached sulphite pulp from Pinus massoniana Lamb and bleached sulfate pulp from E·urophylla, were treated with ultrasonic. The changes in morphology and supermolecular structure of the treated cellulose fiber were characterized by scanning electronic microscopy, X-ray diffraction and FTIR-spectra. The accessibility of the fibers determined as water retention value(WRV) was also discused. The results showed that significant changes occurred in the morphology of the ultrasonic treated cellulose fibers. These changes were: crack of cell wall, dislocation in the secondary wall middle layer(S2), exposure and fibrillation of the S2 layer. The results from FTIR and X-ray diffraction showed that the crystalline type of cellulose and the crystalline size has not changed during ultrasonic treatment, and the crystallinity changed according to the treatment conditions. The increased WRV of the treated cellulose fibers lead to an increase in accessibility and bonding force between the fibers.


