

Progress in the application of ultrasound elastography in inflammatory bowel disease

  • 摘要: 超声弹性成像技术(ultrasonic elastography, UE)是一种非侵入性评估组织组织硬度,进而反应组织水肿、坏死及纤维化的新兴成像技术,目前应用于临床的超声弹性成像技术主要包括以下几类:应变弹性成像(strain elastography, SE)、瞬时弹性成像(transient elastography, TE)、声辐射脉冲弹性成像(acoustic radiation force pulse elastic imaging, ARFI)、实时剪切波弹性成像(shear wave elastic imaging, SWE)。炎症性肠病是消化道慢性反复性炎症性病变为主的一种疾病,主要包括克罗恩病和溃疡性结肠炎。对其活动性及并发症的评估是指导治疗、预测预后的重要一环。相较于内镜、磁共振(magnetic resonance imaging, MRI)及CT成像,超声弹性成像具有无创、无辐射、易于耐受等优点。文章针对现阶段超声弹性成像技术(UE)在炎症性肠病中的应用进展进行综述,旨在为炎症性肠病的临床诊断、监测及疗效评估提供参考。


    Abstract: Ultrasonic elastography (UE) is a non-invasive imaging technology for detecting tissue stiffness to obtain more information about tissue edema, necrosis, and fibrosis. Currently, ultrasonic elastography techniques applied in clinics mainly include the following categories:strain elastography (SE),transient elastography (TE), acoustic radiation force impulse elastography (ARFI), andshear wave elastography (SWE). Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic, recurrent inflammatory disease of the digestive tract, including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Evaluating its activity and complications is an important part of guiding treatment and predicting prognosis. Compared with endoscopy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and CT imaging, ultrasonic elastography has the advantages of being non-invasive, non-radiation, and easily tolerated by patients. This article reviews the current application progress of UE in inflammatory bowel disease, aiming to provide a reference for clinical diagnosis, monitoring, and efficacy evaluation of inflammatory bowel disease.


