

Abnormal coherence characteristics of underwater noise near shallow sea channel analysis

  • 摘要: 在对青岛近海航道附近的海洋环境噪声数据处理过程中发现,当双水听器接收阵附近存在过往航船时,原本在一段时间内几乎不变的噪声相干时频谱中的条纹发生不对称弯折,且连续测量的35小时内,相干条纹弯折规律发生了两次改变。为了解释这一试验现象,本文基于浅海航道附近噪声模型,对航船经过时接收噪声时频谱图进行了仿真。按照预设接收阵参数的仿真结果并不能解释上述试验现象,对比温深测量仪所测深度数据和实测噪声相干发生突变的时间,推测在测量过程中双水听器阵因受两次外力作用而发生了倾斜。在阵倾斜的假设下,利用浅海航道附近噪声模型,结合船舶自动识别系统 (automatic identification system, AIS)提供的航船实时位置信息,通过对双水听器阵姿态进行搜索,实现了对不同时段三艘实测航船噪声相干时频谱图的仿真,解释了实测噪声相干时频谱条纹的三种弯折规律以及噪声相干出现突变的原因。本文研究思路可为实测噪声异常现象的解释以及基于噪声相干估计接收阵和波导参数变化提供技术支持。


    Abstract: During the processing of ocean ambient noise near the ship channel of Qingdao, it was found that when passing ships were present near the hydrophone pair, the originally almost constant noise coherence stripes over a period exhibited asymmetric bending. Within a continuous measurement period of 35 hours, the bending pattern of the coherence stripes changed three times. In order to explain this experimental phenomenon, this paper simulates the coherogram when the ship passed by based on the noise model near the shallow water channel. When simulating the noise vertical coherence according to the preset parameters of the hydrophone pair, the simulation results could not explain the experimental phenomenon. By comparing the depth data measured by the temperature-depth recorder with the times when the measured coherence abruptly changed, it was speculated that the hydrophone pair tilted due to two external forces. Under the assumption of the tilted array, by utilizing the noise model and real-time ship positions provided by the Automatic Identification System (AIS), simulations of the coherogram of the noise from three measured ships at different time periods were achieved, explaining the three types of bending phenomena in the measured coherogram and the abrupt changes in noise coherence. The research approach in this paper can provide technical support for explaining abnormal noise phenomena and estimating changes in array and waveguide parameters based on noise coherence.


