

Research on Detection Method of Accumulated Solid and Liquid Medium Inside Steel Pipe Towers Based on Circumferential Lamb Waves

  • 摘要: 电力钢管杆塔作为输电线路的重要组成部分,被广泛应用于电网基础设施建设中,是保障工业与民生的重要电力设备之一。针对钢管杆塔受到积存固液态介质载荷作用,比如常见的积水或积冰,更易发生电化学腐蚀,出现镀锌层减薄、局部锈蚀、内壁减薄和表面压溃等缺陷,导致损害钢管杆塔结构健康。为此,以积水介质为例,开展了基于周向Lamb波的电力钢管杆塔积水检测研究,提出了一种基于小波包分解、主成分分析和奇异值分解的钢管杆塔积水检测方法。最后,研究了不同激励频率范围、斜探头入射角度及周向Lamb波指向性对积水检测的影响,并通过钢管杆塔积水实测检测实验验证了本文所提方法的可行性和有效性。


    Abstract: As an important part of transmission lines, power steel pipe towers are widely used in power grid infrastructure construction and are one of the important power equipment items to ensure industry and people's livelihood. Due to the influence of accumulated liquid medium loads on the steel pipe tower, such as common accumulated water, electrochemical corrosion is more likely to occur, resulting in defects such as zinc coating thinning, local corrosion, inner wall thinning, and surface crushing, which damage the structural health of the steel pipe tower. For this reason, taking water accumulation as an example, research on circumferential Lamb wave-based ponding detection of steel pipe towers was conducted. A waterlogging detection method based on wavelet packet decomposition, principal component analysis, and singular value decomposition was proposed for steel pipe towers. Finally, the effects of different excitation frequency ranges, oblique probe incidence angles, and circumferential Lamb wave directivity on waterlogging detection were investigated, and the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method were verified through actual ponding detection experiments in steel pipe towers.


