

Study on ultrasonic full waveform inversion for fissure in cement specimens and slurry diffusion

  • 摘要: 水泥基材料是工程建设中不可或缺的材料之一,其质量更是工程建设安全的保障,因此对水泥基材料的质量检测尤为重要。水泥基材料的无损检测技术受到了广泛关注,尤其是超声波无损检测技术,因其速度快、穿透能力强被广泛应用。全波形反演算法是目前地震勘探领域理论精度最高的反演成像方法之一,具有多参数建模和高精度成像的优点。文章开展了水泥试样的裂隙形态及其注浆质量检测试验,将全波形反演算法应用于超声波检测数据处理中。试验结果表明,全波形反演成像方法可以有效反映水泥裂隙的形态,串行反演策略可以有效避免反演陷入局部极小值,提高反演精度;双差法可以有效减小背景场的影响,凸显浆液扩散位置。研究结果为超声波在水泥裂隙及其注浆检测的应用提供了重要参考。


    Abstract: Cementitious materials are indispensable in engineering construction, and their quality guarantees the safety of construction projects. Therefore, it is crucial to conduct quality inspections on cementitious materials. Nondestructive testing technology, especially ultrasonic nondestructive testing technology, has gained attention due to its high efficiency and strong penetrating ability. The full-waveform inversion algorithm is a highly accurate imaging method used in seismic exploration, offering advantages such as multi-parameter modeling and high-precision imaging. In this study, we conducted tests on the fissure morphology of cement specimens and evaluated their grouting quality with full-waveform inversion algorithm. The experimental results demonstrate that the full waveform inversion imaging method effectively reflects the morphology of cement fissures. Additionally, employing a serial inversion strategy can prevent falling into local minima during inversion and improve accuracy. Furthermore, utilizing the double-difference method effectively reduces background field interference while highlighting slurry diffusion locations. These research findings provide valuable insights for applying ultrasound in detecting cement fissures and evaluating grouting effectiveness.


