

Research on seabed boundary processing and parallel algorithm for three-dimensional parabolic equation model

  • 摘要: 构建一种迅速而准确的三维声场模型以满足实际海洋条件,始终是当前科学研究的重点目标。作为一种步进求解的手段,抛物方程近似的方法在已知初始地的声场后以间距为单位步进,最终能得出整个波导中的声场,这对于处理声场三维变化和声道水平变化相关的场景是十分方便的。但相对地,三维空间中的计算复杂度和计算范围要远大于二维空间,这就严重制约了模型的计算精度和速度。为了提高现有抛物方程模型的计算精度和运算速度,文章对同时考虑距离、深度和水平方位角的水下声传播模型,即三维抛物方程模型进行了推导并分析其数学特性。同时通过在海底边界插入完全匹配层的方法,对模型进行了进一步改进,提出一种计算精度更高的抛物方程模型。此外,为了减小三维声场计算的时间,文章进一步研究改进了模型的可并行性,在FOR3D串行算法的基础上基于多线程的共享内存技术OpenMP开发了三维抛物方程模型的并行算法,并与普通吸收层在不同线程数下的运行时间进行对比,结果表明基于完全匹配层模型的并行算法相比于原模型无论是在加速比还是运算速度上都有了极大的提高,具有重要的工程意义。


    Abstract: It is always the key goal of current scientific research to build a rapid and accurate three-dimensional sound field model to meet the actual marine conditions. As a step-by-step solution method, the parabolic equation approximation method can obtain the sound field in the whole waveguide by stepping with the interval while the initial sound field is known, which is much convenient for dealing with the scenes related to the three-dimensional changes of the sound field and the horizontal changes of the sound channel. However, the computational complexity and calculation range in three-dimensional space are much greater than those in two-dimensional space, which seriously restricts the calculation accuracy and speed of the model. In order to improve the calculation accuracy and calculation speed of the existing parabolic equation model, the mathematical characteristics of the underwater sound propagation model is derived and analyzed in this paper. The distance, depth and horizontal azimuth angle are considered at the same time, which is named the three-dimensional parabolic equation model. Meanwhile, a parabolic equation model with higher calculation accuracy is proposed. By inserting a completely matched layer at the seabed boundary, the model is further improved. In addition, in order to reduce the time of three-dimensional sound field calculation, the parallelism of the model is studied. Based on the FOR3D serial algorithm, the parallel algorithm of three-dimensional parabolic equation model is developed with multi-threaded shared memory technology OpenMP. By comparing the running time with the ordinary absorption layer under different numbers of threads, the results show that the parallel algorithm based on the completely matched layer model has greatly improved in both the speedup and the calculation speed, which has practical engineering significance.


