

Design and implementation of wake-up system for underwater acoustic based on time-frequency detection

  • 摘要: 通常水下声学设备需要在水下长时间布放,由于水下能源供应十分有限,降低系统能耗、延长设备工作时间成为一个重要问题。针对声信号在水下传输受到双重选择性衰落问题和背景噪声带来的正确触发率低和误触发问题,使用国产芯片GD32F4xx设计和实现了一套基于时频检测的水声设备唤醒系统,用于控制唤醒模式和工作模式的切换。该系统可实时采集和处理信号,并通过不同地址码实现不同设备的独立唤醒。海试结果表明此水声设备唤醒系统在距离1 km,平均信噪比30 dB下,平均唤醒成功率达95.2%,误唤醒率为0%,即使在−6 dB低信噪比条件下仍有60 % 唤醒成功率。


    Abstract: Typically, unattended underwater devices are deployed for extended periods. As underwater energy supplies are limited, it is crucial to reduce energy consumption to prolong operational time. To address incorrect wake-ups caused by double-selective and noisy underwater channels, a wake-up system for underwater acoustic devices based on time-frequency detection is designed using the GD32F4xx. The system can collect and process signals in real-time, achieving independent wake-ups for different devices through distinct address codes. Sea trial results with a 1 km range and an average signal-to-noise ratio of 30 dB show that the average wake-up success rate of this system is 95.2%, with an incorrect wake-up rate of 0%. Additionally, a 60% wake-up success rate is achieved even at a -6 dB signal-to-noise ratio.


