

Phase coherent total focusing imaging for 9Ni steel T-shaped fillet welds

  • 摘要: 针对9%Ni钢厚壁焊缝因晶粒粗大、晶体呈现非均匀各向异性导致的超声衰减严重的问题,文章提出一种基于指向性校正的相位相干因子(directivity corrected phase coherent factor, DC_PCF)全聚焦成像算法,对30.0 mm厚的9%Ni钢T角焊缝试块缺陷(焊缝内侧孔、面坡口处孔、面坡口处槽)进行检测实验。实验结果表明:该算法可以有效降低结构噪声,提高缺陷的辨识度;对于缺陷的深度检测误差平均值为2.6 mm,对于缺陷的宽度检测误差平均值为0.2 mm,检测误差均小于全聚焦算法及相位相干成像算法;与全聚焦成像算法相比三种缺陷的信噪比分别提高2.1、5.1、4.9 dB;与相位相干成像算法相比信噪比分别提高4.6、3.5、4.1 dB。


    Abstract: In this paper, a directivity corrected phase coherent factor (DC_PCF) weighted total focusing imaging algorithm is proposed to address the ultrasonic attenuation problem in thick-walled welds of 9%Ni steel, which caused by coarse grains and inhomogeneous anisotropy of crystals. Experimental results of testing defects in a 30.0 mm thick 9Ni steel T-shaped fillet welds specimen (inner hole of weld, hole at face groove and groove at face groove), demonstrate that structural noise is reduced and defect recognition is improved. The average error of depth detection for defects is 2.6 mm, and the average error of width detection for defects is 0.2 mm, which are both smaller than those obtained with the total focusing method (TFM) and phase coherence imaging (PCI) algorithm. Compared to the TFM, detection signal to noise ratios of three defects with the proposed algorithm are improved by 2.1 dB, 5.1 dB and 4.9 dB respectively; compared to the PCI algorithm, the improvements are 4.6 dB, 3.5 dB and 4.1 dB respectively.


