

Children's emotional speech recognition technology based on Attention-LSTM

  • 摘要: 文章提出了一种基于注意力机制的长短时网络(long short-term memory,Attention-LSTM)的儿童语音情感识别技术,其核心思路是在发声特征与声学特征结合的基础上,采用基于注意力机制的长短时记忆网络实现对语音的情感识别,与本领域现有方法相比具有良好创新性。在实验验证方面,所提出方法与仅使用声学特征和LSTM分类器相比,加权平均之后的情感识别准确率提高了9.77个百分点,上述结果能够为其他儿童语音的情感识别的研究者提供参考借鉴。


    Abstract: A child speech emotion recognition technique based on an attention long short-term memory (LSTM) network is propose in this paper. The core idea is to combine acoustic and articulatory features and utilize an attention-based LSTM network for speech emotion recognition. Compared to existing methods in this field, it demonstrates significant innovation. In terms of experimental validation, the proposed method shows a 9.77 percentage point improvement in emotion recognition accuracy through weighted averaging compared to using only acoustic features and an LSTM classifier. These results can serve as valuable references for researchers working on emotion recognition in children's speech.


