

Evaluation of reverberation time calculation models for classroom under ceiling beam discrete absorption

  • 摘要: 钢结构装配式建筑成为学校建筑的发展趋势,教室声环境也受到越来越多的重视,其中混响时间是教室声环境设计中的重要指标之一。文章对顶梁采取离散和非均匀吸声条件下教室的混响时间计算进行研究,旨在得出更准确和适用的计算方法。研究选取2种典型尺寸标准化钢结构教室,在顶部钢结构梁上采取3种不同吸声布置方式,对125 Hz~4 kHz倍频程混响时间采用5种不同的计算方法进行了计算,并和实地测量结果进行对比,分析比较了不同计算方法的结果与实测数据的差异特征。研究表明,5种不同计算方法得到的混响时间频谱变化趋势相似,但在数值上有明显的差异。赛宾公式和Arau方法可以获得与实测更加一致的结果,而Arau方法在各种吸声条件下均可得到更准确的混响时间估算。


    Abstract: Prefabricated steel-beam structures are becoming a trend in school buildings, and the sound environment of classrooms are of great importance, with reverberation time being one of the important indicators in classroom sound environment design. In this paper, the calculation of reverberation time in classrooms under discrete and non-uniform sound absorption conditions is studied with the aim of obtaining more accurate and applicable calculation methods. Two typical steel-beam structure classroom geometries are chosen, and three types of ceiling beam absorption arrangements are set up in each room. The reverberation times from 125 Hz to 4 kHz octave bands are calculated using five different models and then compared with the corresponding measured results. The differences between the results of different calculation methods and the measured results are analyzed and compared. The results show that the reverberation time spectrum obtained by five different calculation methods have similar trends, but there are significant differences in numerical values. The Sabine formula and Arau method can obtain results that are more consistent with actual measurements, while the Arau method can provide more accurate estimates of reverberation time under various sound absorption conditions.


