

Research on the space-time dimension of city park soundscape: taking Daming Lake Park in Jinan as an example

  • 摘要: 声景观是公园景观的重要组成部分,对人们的游览体验和公园景观营造具有重要意义。文章采用声级测量、问卷调查、插值分析、皮尔逊相关性分析等方法,对济南大明湖公园四季声级分布及游人对四季不同声源类型声景观的感知度、满意度分布特征进行了分析。结果表明:公园四季声级差别较大,春、夏季声级整体高于秋、冬季;声级分布呈现明显的区域特征,游人活动对声级影响较大,交通噪声等对声级有一定影响;人工声和生活声感知度对自然声感知度影响较大,自然声满意度较高时,人工声和生活声满意度也较高。提出丰富自然声景观类型、合理组织生活声和人工声、提高绿化降噪效果、重现历史文化声景观等优化策略,为创造舒适满意的公园声景观环境和公园建设管理提供参考。


    Abstract: Soundscape is an important part of the park landscape which is of great significance to people's visiting experience and the park landscape creation. Methods including sound level measurement, questionnaire survey, interpolation analysis and Pearson's correlation analysis are used to study the distribution characteristics of the seasonal soundscape in Daming Lake Park and the people’s perception and satisfaction of the sound landscape of different sound source types in the four seasons. The results show that there are differences among seasonal sound levels and sound levels of spring and summer are higher than those of autumn and winter; the sound levels distribution shows obvious regional characteristics, with the tourist activities have a great influence on the sound level, and the traffic noise has a certain influence on the sound levels; artificial sound and life sound perception have a great influence on natural sound perception, and when the satisfaction of natural sound is high, the satisfaction of artificial sound and life sound is also high. The optimization strategies of soundscape such as enriching the types of natural sound landscape, reasonably organizing the living sound and artificial sound, improving the effect of noise reduction greening, reproducing the historical and cultural sound landscape, are proposed to create a more comfortable and satisfactory soundscape environment for visitors and provide some references for the construction and management of the park in the future.


